Utilization of Non-Destructive Additives in Highly Cohesive Soil for Stabilization
Utilization, Non-Destructive Additives, Cohesive Soil, StabilizationAbstract
This paper investigates the utilization of non-Destructive Additives in highly cohesive soil to stabilization. Highly cohesive soil stabilized with copper slag that is produced from the process of smelting of copper these slags is mechanically concentrated before smelting contains iron oxides and silicon oxides. The addition of copper slag reduces the shrinkage of the cohesive soil. And further polypropylene fiber is added for the uses of increases the shear strength of the soil. The ratio of each Admixtures were obtained in terms of percentage ranges from (1% to 4%) and the laboratory investigation is performed for the admixture treated soil with 16 difference ratios. The detail observation of swelling and shrinkage behavior of clay soil is assessed in a consecutive manner. Similarly, The variation in the strength; hydraulic conductivity deformation characteristics were also observed. The test results showed that copper slag and polypropylene significantly changes the strength characteristics, swelling and strength properties of the clay soil.
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