Design and Development of Fertilizer Spraying and Weed Removal Machine
Sprayer, Weed Removal, Equipment, FertilizerAbstract
In order to meet the food requirements of the growing population and rapid industrialization, modernization of agriculture practices is need of today and crucial one. Mechanization enables the conservation of inputs through precision in metering, ensuring the better distribution and reduces the quantity required for better response. In addition to that it prevents the losses or wastage of inputs applied. Mechanization reduces unit cost of production through higher productivity and optimized input. Though modernization is done in agriculture field, many farmers are using the traditional methods and equipment for weeding and fertilizer spraying. The spraying is traditionally done by labor carrying backpack type sprayer which requires more human effort or it is done by fertilizer spraying unit tractor, which is not affordable and suitable for many agricultural fields as per the cultivation. Weeding is usually done with the help of bulls, which is very costly for farmers with small arable land. To overcome these above two problems a machine is developed on which both the tasks are performed simultaneously and beneficial to the farmer for the spraying and weeding operations.
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