Understanding Women’s Empowerment Challenges in Flood-Prone Rural Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study
Women Empowerment, Flood, Rural Region, BangladeshAbstract
Women’s empowerment has consistently been a subject of debate within the intricate socio-cultural context of Bangladesh. The occurrence of flood disasters presents increased difficulties within rural communities. The objective of this research is to gain an understanding of the obstacles encountered by women residing in rural flood-prone regions as they strive to enhance their empowerment. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research approach was employed, utilizing Focus Group Discussions with six distinct groups and conducting In-depth interviews with a total of thirty participants. The data demonstrates that rural communities and flood events exacerbate women’s empowerment issues because the patriarchal culture embedded in rural Bangladesh makes it difficult to modify women’s positions. Therefore, this paper advocates for the government’s firm dedication to empowering women and harnessing their full potential to integrate them into the mainstream of society, thus fostering constructive societal development.
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