Innovation Ecosystems and Green Building Techniques for a Sustainable Future: Leveraging Advanced Technologies


  • Avesahemad S. N. Husainy Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Sumit S. Mangave Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Akshay S. Ingale Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Yuvraj R. Patil Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Milind Koganole Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India



Innovation Ecosystems, Green Building Techniques, Sustainable Development, Digital Transformation Technologies, Environmental Impact


The global movement towards environmental stewardship and sustainability largely depends on innovation ecosystems, green building techniques, and sustainable development. This study explores their future potential, focusing on how advanced technologies, eco-friendly materials, and sustainable practices could mitigate climate change and enhance environmental quality. Innovation ecosystems are crucial for advancing green technology, circular economy principles, and sustainable urban design by fostering collaboration among corporations, governments, academic institutions, and civil society. The study also investigates how the effectiveness and impact of these ecosystems can be enhanced through digital transformation technologies such as blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). Employing green building techniques is essential for reducing a building’s environmental impact throughout its lifecycle. This study highlights recent advancements in green technology, including sophisticated building management systems, energy-efficient HVAC systems, improved insulation materials, and the integration of renewable energy sources. The establishment of sustainability standards and the promotion of environmentally friendly practices rely heavily on certifications like Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM). The paper addresses the necessity of integrated solutions to balance environmental, social, and economic dimensions for sustainability. It also examines the role of regulations, the promotion of sustainable culture through public awareness and education, and innovative concepts such as net-zero energy buildings and biophilic design. By leveraging these advancements and concepts, we can pave the way for a more environmentally sensitive and sustainable future.


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How to Cite

Husainy, A. S. N., Mangave, S. S., Ingale , A. S., Patil, Y. R., & Koganole, M. (2024). Innovation Ecosystems and Green Building Techniques for a Sustainable Future: Leveraging Advanced Technologies. The Asian Review of Civil Engineering, 13(2), 1–10.