Shale Mechanics in Deep Drilling: Enhancing Stability and Efficiency Through AI and Hydraulic Fracturing


  • Eze Kelechi Nnaji Department of Geology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
  • Abiola Olufemi Ajayi Department of Applied Statistics and Data Analytics, Western Illinois University, United States
  • Agbonze Nosa Godwin Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Benin, Nigeria
  • Alele Oghenero Department of Geology, Delta State University, Nigeria
  • Anosike Chukwuemeka Uchenna Information Communication and Technology Project Management, University of Denver Colorado, United States



Shale Mechanics, Wellbore Stability, Hydraulic Fracturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Environmental Sustainability


Shale mechanics is a critical field in the drilling process, especially during deep drilling and the development of unconventional resources, where shale formations present various challenges. Given the diverse and multi-scale nature of shale, mechanical characteristics such as brittleness, fracture toughness, and stress behavior must be effectively controlled to ensure wellbore stability, optimize fracture treatments, and enhance drilling efficiency. Key areas of interest in this review include wellbore stability, hydraulic fracturing methods, and the application of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The current literature was extensively reviewed, with an emphasis on major papers addressing various aspects of shale mechanics. The appropriate selection of fluid and mud weight has been identified as critical for maintaining wellbore stability. Despite advances in hydraulic fracturing technology that have improved production efficiency, environmental concerns - particularly regarding water usage and chemical management - remain significant. Furthermore, the integration of AI and ML has enhanced production forecasts and resource estimation, though challenges related to data quality and availability persist. A review of the current state of knowledge in shale mechanics indicates that further progress will require improved geomechanical models, advanced monitoring tools, and environmentally sustainable strategies.


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How to Cite

Nnaji, E. K., Ajayi, A. O., Godwin, A. N., Oghenero, A., & Uchenna, A. C. (2024). Shale Mechanics in Deep Drilling: Enhancing Stability and Efficiency Through AI and Hydraulic Fracturing. The Asian Review of Civil Engineering, 13(2), 25–33.